

Monday, March 21, 2011









Saturday, March 19, 2011


Islam and Terrorism
Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) came with the mission of Islam for o­ne single purpose, viz. the salvation of mankind. This purpose was the guiding factor the forgiveness which was granted to the Mushrikeen o­n the day of the Conquest of Makkah.
Inspite of the oppression, persecution and torture which the Mushrikeen of Makkah had perpetrated o­n the Muslims for 13 years, everything was forgiven and forgotten when Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) and his noble Sahaabah entered Makkah as victors. There was no vengeance, no molestation and no acrimony. There was no need to establish any truth commission or put anyone o­n trial for the horrendous atrocities which had been committed against the Muslims in the past.
Islam came for the everlasting salvation of mankind, hence its Message is directed to all human beings. It is this overriding objective of Islam which precluded the commission of acts of revenge when Makkah was conquered.

Thursday, March 17, 2011


Meaning Of Recent Earthquake

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Pakistani protesters torch tyres on a street during a demonstraion against the release of CIA contractor Raymond Davis in Lahore on March 16, 2011

Pakistani protesters torch tyres on a street during a demonstraion against the release of CIA contractor Raymond Davis in Lahore on March 16, 2011

Activists of the Pakistani fundamentalist Islamic party Jamaat-i-Islami (JI) shout slogans against the release of CIA contractor Raymond Davis during a protest in Karachi on March 16, 2011

Activists of the Pakistani fundamentalist Islamic party Jamaat-i-Islami (JI) shout slogans against the release of CIA contractor Raymond Davis during a protest in Karachi on March 16, 2011

Pakistani protesters shout slogans during a demonstraion against the release of CIA contractor Raymond Davis in Lahore on March 16, 2011

Poem For Rights Of Parents

Poem For Rights Of Parents
بوڑھے ماں باپ کے حقوق کوئی قسمت والا ہی ادا کر سکتا ہے۔اکثر اوقات اولاد اپنی غفلت اور نادانی سے اس سعادت سے محروم رہ جاتی ہے. اسی غفلت سے بچنے کی طرف توجہ دلانے کے لئے یہ نظم لکھی گئی ہے۔اللہ تعالیٰ ہم سب کو والدین کے حقوق اور اپنے فرائض سمجھنے کی توفیق دے آمین۔
میرے بچو،گر تم مجھ کو بڑھاپے کے حال میں دیکھو
اُکھڑی اُکھڑی چال میں دیکھو
مشکل ماہ و سال میں دیکھو
صبر کا دامن تھامے رکھنا
کڑوا ہے یہ گھونٹ پہ چکھنا
’’اُف ‘‘ نہ کہنا،غصے کا اظہار نہ کرنا
میرے دل پر وار نہ کرنا
ہاتھ مرے گر کمزوری سے کا نپ اٹھیں

اور کھانا،مجھ پر گر جائے تو
مجھ کو نفرت سے مت تکنا،لہجے کو بیزار نہ کرنا
بھول نہ جانا ان ہاتھوں سے تم نے کھانا کھانا سیکھا
جب تم کھانا میرے کپڑوں اور ہاتھوں پر مل دیتے تھے
میں تمہارا بوسہ لے کر ہنس دیتی تھی
کپڑوں کی تبدیلی میں گر دیر لگا دوں یا تھک جاؤں
مجھ کو سُست اور کاہل کہہ کر ، اور مجھے بیمار نہ کرنا
بھول نہ جانا کتنے شوق سے تم کو رنگ برنگے کپڑے پہناتی تھی
اک اک دن میں دس دس بار بدلواتی تھی
میرے یہ کمزور قدم گر جلدی جلدی اُٹھ نہ پائیں
میرا ہاتھ پکڑ لینا تم ،تیز اپنی رفتار نہ کرنا
بھول نہ جانا،میری انگلی تھام کے تم نے پاؤں پاؤں چلنا سیکھا
میری باہوں کے حلقے میں گرنا اور سنبھلنا سیکھا
جب میں باتیں کرتے کرتے،رُک جاؤں ،خود کو دھراوں
ٹوٹا ربط پکڑ نہ پاؤں،یادِ ماضی میں کھو جاؤں
آسانی سے سمجھ نہ پاؤں،مجھ کو نرمی سے سمجھانا
مجھ سے مت بے کار اُلجھنا،مجھے سمجھنا
اکتاکر، گھبراکر مجھ کو ڈانٹ نہ دینا
دل کے کانچ کو پتھر مار کے کرچی کرچی بانٹ نہ دینا
بھول نہ جانا جب تم ننھے منے سے تھے
ایک کہانی سو سو بار سنا کرتے تھے
اور میں کتنی چاہت سے ہر بار سنا یاکرتی تھی
جو کچھ دھرانے کو کہتے،میں دھرایا کرتی تھی
اگر نہانے میں مجھ سے سُستی ہو جائے
مجھ کو شرمندہ مت کرنا،یہ نہ کہنا آپ سے کتنی بُو آتی ہے
بھول نہ جانا جب تم ننھے منے سے تھے اور نہانے سے چڑتے تھے
تم کو نہلانے کی خاطر
چڑیا گھر لے جانے میں تم سے وعدہ کرتی تھی
کیسے کیسے حیلوں سے تم کو آمادہ کرتی تھی
گر میں جلدی سمجھ نہ پاؤں،وقت سے کچھ پیچھے رہ جاؤں
مجھ پر حیرت سے مت ہنسنا،اور کوئی فقرہ نہ کسنا
مجھ کو کچھ مہلت دے دینا شائد میں کچھ سیکھ سکوں
بھول نہ جانامیں نے برسوں محنت کر کے تم کو کیا کیا سکھلایا تھا
کھانا پینا،چلنا پھرنا،ملنا جلنا،لکھنا پڑھنا
اور آنکھوں میں آنکھیں ڈال کے اس دنیا کی ،آگے بڑھنا
میری کھانسی سُن کر گر تم سوتے سوتے جاگ اٹھوتو
مجھ کو تم جھڑکی نہ دینا
یہ نہ کہنا،جانے دن بھر کیا کیا کھاتی رہتی ہیں
اور راتوں کو کُھوں کھوں کر کے شور مچاتی رہتی ہیں
بھول نہ جانامیں نے کتنی لمبی راتیں
تم کو اپنی گود میں لے کر ٹہل ٹہل کر کاٹی ہیں
گر میں کھانا نہ کھاؤں تو تم مجھ کو مجبور نہ کرنا
جس شے کو جی چاہے میرا اس کو مجھ سے دور نہ کرنا
پرہیزوں کی آڑ میں ہر پل میرا دل رنجور نہ کرنا
کس کا فرض ہے مجھ کو رکھنا
اس بارے میں اک دوجے سے بحث نہ کرنا
آپس میں بے کار نہ لڑنا
جس کو کچھ مجبوری ہو اس بھائی پر الزام نہ دھرنا
گر میں اک دن کہہ دوں عرشی، اب جینے کی چاہ نہیں ہے
یونہی بوجھ بنی بیٹھی ہوں ،کوئی بھی ہمراہ نہیں ہے
تم مجھ پر ناراض نہ ہونا
جیون کا یہ راز سمجھنا
برسوں جیتے جیتے آخر ایسے دن بھی آ جاتے ہیں
جب جیون کی روح تو رخصت ہو جاتی ہے
سانس کی ڈوری رہ جاتی ہے
شائد کل تم جان سکو گے ،اس ماں کو پہچان سکو گے
گر چہ جیون کی اس دوڑ میں ،میں نے سب کچھ ہار دیا ہے
لیکن ،میرے دامن میں جو کچھ تھا تم پر وار دیا ہے
تم کو سچا پیار دیا ہے
جب میں مر جاؤں تو مجھ کو
میرے پیارے رب کی جانب چپکے سے سرکا دینا
ا ور ،دعا کی خاطر ہاتھ اُٹھا دینا
میرے پیارے رب سے کہنا،رحم ہماری ماں پر کر دے
جیسے اس نے بچپن میں ہم کمزوروں پر رحم کیا تھا
بھول نہ جانا،میرے بچو
جب تک مجھ میں جان تھی باقی
خون رگوں میں دوڑ رہا تھا
دل سینے میں دھڑک رہا تھا
خیر تمہاری مانگی میں نے
میرا ہر اک سانس دعا تھا

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Biography of Shaykh al-Hadith, Muhammad Zakariyya Kandhlawi

Biography of Shaykh al-Hadith, Muhammad Zakariyya Kandhlawi
He was born in the village of Kandhla (in Uttar Pradesh, India) on Ramadan 10, 1315 AH (February 12, 1898 CE).
In the last century, India has undoubtedly become an important center for the study of hadith, and the scholars of India have become well-known for their passion for religious knowledge. Upon them ended the era of leadership in teaching hadiths, codification of the special fields [funun] of hadith, and commentary upon its texts [mutun]. Such was their mastery of this science that Muhammad Rashid Rida mentions in the introduction of his book Miftah Kunuz al-Sunnah, “Were it not for the superb attention to detail in the science of hadith displayed by our brothers, the scholars of India in the present era, this science would have withered away in the eastern cities. And, indeed, mastery of this science has been waning in Egypt and Syria since the tenth century AH.” There is no doubt that Shaykh Muhammad Zakariyya was among the most distinguished hadith scholars of India and a great contributor in the service of the Sunnah. He was given the honorary title of Shaykh al-Hadith, or “Great Scholar of Hadith,” by his teacher, Shaykh Khalil Ahmad Saharanpuri, who recognized his deep insight, clear-sightedness, and extensive knowledge of hadith and related sciences.
Lineage and Upbringing
He was born in the village of Kandhla (in Uttar Pradesh, India) on Ramadan 10, 1315 AH (February 12, 1898 CE). His full name was Muhammad Zakariyya ibn Muhammad Yahya ibn Muhammad Ismail, and his lineage continues all the way back to Abu Bakr, the great Companion of the Messenger (SallAllahu alaihi wasallam).
Shaykh Abu al-Hasan Nadwi said about him, “Shaykh Muhammad Zakariyya was born into a household rooted in knowledge and passion for Islam. His immediate family and his predecessors were distinguished by firm resolve, perseverance, steadfastness, and adherence to religion…. His family included many notable scholars… and his grandmother memorized the entire Qur’an while nursing her son [Shaykh Zakariyya’s father].”
His father, Shaykh Muhammad Yahya, was among the great scholars of India, whose primary teacher in hadith was Shaykh Rashid Ahmad Gangohi. Under him he studied Sahih al-Bukhari, Jami al-Tirmidhi, and others of the six famous authentic books of hadith [sihah sitta]. Shaykh Yahya went on to teach at Madrasa Mazahir Ulum, in the district of Saharanpur, but did not accept any payment for his services. He instead made his living through his own book-publishing business.
As a young boy, Shaykh Zakariyya moved with his father to the village of Gangoh, in the district of Saharanpur. Since his father and Shaykh Gangohi had a close relationship, Shaykh Zakariyya quickly earned the affection of his father’s teacher.

Monday, February 14, 2011


Celebrating The Prophets Birthday Is Innovation

Celebrating The Prophets Birthday Is Innovation

All perfect praise be to Allah, The Lord of the Worlds. I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allah, and that Muhammad is His slave and Messenger.
Celebrating the birthday of the Prophet Muhammad Sallallaho Alaihi Wasallam  is an innovation in Islam. There is no evidence for it in the Islamic Shar’iah. The Faatimis (the Fatimides) were the first to begin this innovation. This, in fact, does not give evidence of the love of the Prophet Muhammad Sallallaho Alaihi Wasallam . Instead of this, a person should follow what the Prophet Muhammad Sallallaho Alaihi Wasallam commands, believe in what he reports, avoid forbidden activities and should worship Allaah as He and His Prophet Muhammad Sallallaho Alaihi Wasallam have prescribed. These acts constitute genuine pieces of evidences of one’s love to the Prophet Muhammad Sallallaho Alaihi Wasallam . In this regard, Allaah Says (what means): “Say (O Muhammad to mankind), If you (really) love Allah, then follow me, Allah will love you and forgive you of your sins. And Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.” [Quran 3:31]
On the other hand, celebrating the birthday of the Prophet Muhammad Sallallaho Alaihi Wasallam or the occasion of a new Hijri year or celebrations other than the two Eeds of al-Fitr and al-Adhha (Eeds of breaking fast and sacrifice) is among the invented celebrations and feasts. It is proven from the Prophet Muhammad that he said: “Whoever introduces tries to introduce into this faith of ours (Islam) something which is not a part of it, it is rejected and that person is condemned.”
Moreover, celebrating the birthday of the Prophet Sallallaho Alaihi Wasallam is an innovation. The evidence proving it to be forbidden is that there is no evidence which proves that it is permissible; the principle in acts of worship is that they are forbidden. It is the one who says that something is permitted who is required to provide evidence. Had the companions and those who followed them exactly in faith differed about this issue, it would undoubtedly have been reported to us in details.
Finally, a Muslim should know that the evidence is the Book of Allah and the Sunnah of the Prophet and not the statement of any person.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Biography of Shaykh al-Hadith, Muhammad Zakariyya Kandhlawi
He was born in the village of Kandhla (in Uttar Pradesh, India) on Ramadan 10, 1315 AH (February 12, 1898 CE).
In the last century, India has undoubtedly become an important center for the study of hadith, and the scholars of India have become well-known for their passion for religious knowledge. Upon them ended the era of leadership in teaching hadiths, codification of the special fields [funun] of hadith, and commentary upon its texts [mutun]. Such was their mastery of this science that Muhammad Rashid Rida mentions in the introduction of his book Miftah Kunuz al-Sunnah, “Were it not for the superb attention to detail in the science of hadith displayed by our brothers, the scholars of India in the present era, this science would have withered away in the eastern cities. And, indeed, mastery of this science has been waning in Egypt and Syria since the tenth century AH.” There is no doubt that Shaykh Muhammad Zakariyya was among the most distinguished hadith scholars of India and a great contributor in the service of the Sunnah. He was given the honorary title of Shaykh al-Hadith, or “Great Scholar of Hadith,” by his teacher, Shaykh Khalil Ahmad Saharanpuri, who recognized his deep insight, clear-sightedness, and extensive knowledge of hadith and related sciences.
Lineage and Upbringing
He was born in the village of Kandhla (in Uttar Pradesh, India) on Ramadan 10, 1315 AH (February 12, 1898 CE). His full name was Muhammad Zakariyya ibn Muhammad Yahya ibn Muhammad Ismail, and his lineage continues all the way back to Abu Bakr, the great Companion of the Messenger (SallAllahu alaihi wasallam).
Shaykh Abu al-Hasan Nadwi said about him, “Shaykh Muhammad Zakariyya was born into a household rooted in knowledge and passion for Islam. His immediate family and his predecessors were distinguished by firm resolve, perseverance, steadfastness, and adherence to religion…. His family included many notable scholars… and his grandmother memorized the entire Qur’an while nursing her son [Shaykh Zakariyya’s father].”
His father, Shaykh Muhammad Yahya, was among the great scholars of India, whose primary teacher in hadith was Shaykh Rashid Ahmad Gangohi. Under him he studied Sahih al-Bukhari, Jami al-Tirmidhi, and others of the six famous authentic books of hadith [sihah sitta]. Shaykh Yahya went on to teach at Madrasa Mazahir Ulum, in the district of Saharanpur, but did not accept any payment for his services. He instead made his living through his own book-publishing business.
As a young boy, Shaykh Zakariyya moved with his father to the village of Gangoh, in the district of Saharanpur. Since his father and Shaykh Gangohi had a close relationship, Shaykh Zakariyya quickly earned the affection of his father’s teacher.
Growing up in this virtuous environment, he began learning how to read with Hakim Abd al-Rahman of Muzaffarnagar. He memorized the Qur’an with his father and also studied books in Persian and the introductory Arabic books with his uncle Shaykh Muhammad Ilyas (founder of the Tabligh movement). He stayed with his father in the company of Shaykh Gangohi until age eight, when the shaykh passed away.
At the age of twelve, Shaykh Zakariyya traveled with his father to Mazahir Ulum, There, under his father, he advanced his study of Arabic, tackling many classical texts on Arabic morphology, grammar, literature and also logic. But by the time he was seventeen, hadith became the main focus of his life. He studied five of the six authentic books of hadith with his father, and then he studied Sahih al-Bukhari and Sunan al-Tirmidhi (for a second time) with honorable Shaykh Khalil Ahmad Saharanpuri. Out of his immense respect for hadith, Shaykh Zakariyya was extremely particular about always studying the hadith narrations with wudu‘.
On Dhu ‘l-Qa’da 10, 1334 AH, when Shaykh Zakariyya was just nineteen, his dear father passed away. This event was extremely traumatic for Shaykh Zakariyya, as he lost not only a father but also a teacher and mentor. His deep sorrow remained with him for the rest of his life.
Shaykh Zakariyya was blessed to live and learn in an era considered by many to be one of great achievements in Islamic knowledge by scholars in the Indian subcontinent. He studied with few but select teachers who reached the highest levels of learning, research, authorship, and piety. In addition to his father (Shaykh Muhammad Yahya) and uncle (Shaykh Muhammad Ilyas), he studied under the hadith scholar Khalil Ahmad Saharanpuri, author of the Badhl al-Majhud, a commentary of Sunan Abi Dawud. Shaykh Zakariyya acquired a hadith authorization from him and remained his student until Shaykh Khalil’s death in Madina Munawwara in 1346 AH.
Before his death, Shaykh Khalil Ahmad expressed his desire to write Badhl al-Majhud, and he sought Shaykh Zakariyya’s assistance as his right-hand man. This experience revealed Shaykh Zakariyya’s gift of penmanship and, furthermore, expanded his insight in the science of hadith. He worked hard on the project, attained the pleasure and trust of his shaykh, and was even mentioned by name in the commentary. This indeed opened the door to Shaykh Zakariyya’s authoring many literary works and treatises over the course of his life.
Teaching Career
In Muharram 1335 AH he was appointed as a teacher at Madrasa Mazahir Ulum, where he was assigned to teach books on Arabic grammar, morphology, and literature, as well as a number of primary texts of Islamic jurisprudence. In 1341 AH he was assigned to teach three sections of Sahih al-Bukhari upon the insistence of Shaykh Khalil Ahmad. He also taught Mishkat al-Masabih until 1344 AH. Shaykh Abu al-Hasan Nadwi said, “Although he was one of the youngest teachers at the school, he was selected to teach works generally not assigned to those of his age, nor to anyone in the early stages of his teaching career. Nevertheless, he showed that he was not only able, but an exceptional teacher.”
In 1345 AH he traveled to Madina Munawwara, the city of Allah’s Messenger (SallAllahu alahi wasallam), where he resided for one year. There he taught Sunan Abi Dawud at Madrasa al-Ulum al-Shar’iyya. While in Madina, he began working on Awjaz al-Masalik ila Muwatta Imam Malik, a commentary on Imam Malik’s Muwatta. He was twenty-nine at the time.
When he returned to India, he resumed teaching at Mazahir Ulum. He began teaching Sunan Abi Dawud, Sunan al-Nasai, the Muwatta of Imam Muhammad, and the second half of Sahih al-Bukhari. The school’s principle taught the first half of Sahih al-Bukhari, and after his death, Shaykh Zakariyya was given the honor of teaching the entire work.
In all, he taught the first half of Sahih al-Bukhari twenty-five times, the complete Sahih al-Bukhari sixteen times, and Sunan Abi Dawud thirty times. He did not just teach hadith as a matter of routine; the work of hadith had become his passion, and he put his heart and soul into it. Shaykh Zakariyya taught until 1388 AH, when he was forced to give up teaching after developing eye cataracts.
Travels to the Two Holy Cities
Allah blessed him with the opportunity to visit the two holy cities of Makka and Madina. He performed hajj several times, and his multiple trips had a profound personal effect on him, both spiritually and educationally. He made the blessed journey with Shaykh Khalil Ahmad in 1338 AH and with him again in 1344. It was during the second trip that Shaykh Khalil completed Badhl al-Majhud; he died shortly thereafter and was buried in the Baqi’ graveyard in Madina. May Allah have mercy on him and put light in his grave.
Sincere Love for Allah and the Prophet (SallAllahu alahi wasallam)
Shaykh Muhammad Zakariyya inherited piety, honesty, and good character from his father (may Allah be pleased with him). He aspired to follow the Qur’an and Sunnah in all matters, big and small, with a passion not found in many scholars. He had extreme love for the Prophet (SallAllahu alahi wasallam) and the blessed city of Madina. His students have related that whenver the death of the Messenger (SallAllahu alahi wasallam) was mentioned during a lecture on Sunan Abi Dawud or Sahih al-Bukhari, his eyes would well up with tears, his voice would choke up, and he would be overcome with crying. So evocative were his tears that his students could do nothing but weep with raised voices.
He was often tested with regard to his sincerity. He was offered many teaching jobs at two or three times the salary that was customarily given at Mazahir ‘Ulum, but he always graciously declined the offers. For most of his teaching career, Shaykh Zakariyya never accepted any money for his services at Mazahir ‘Ulum; he did the work voluntarily, seeking Allah’s pleasure. Although he did accept a small salary at the beginning of his career, he later totaled up the amount and paid it back in its entirety.
Shaykh Muhammad Zakariyya was married twice. He first married the daughter of Shaykh Ra’uf al-Hasan in Kandhla. She passed away on Dhu ‘l-Hijja 5 1355 AH. He then married the daughter of Shaykh Muhammad Ilyas Kandhlawi in 1356 AH. Allah blessed him with five daughters and three sons from his first wife, and two daughters and one son from his second marriage.
Daily Routine
Shaykh Zakariyya organized his time meticulously. He would rise an hour before dawn and occupy himself in tahajjud and recitation of Qur’an before performing the Fajr prayer in the masjid. After Fajr, he would read his morning supplications and litany until sunrise. Thereafter he would go to meet with some people and drink tea (but never ate anything with it). He would then return to his quarters to read. During this time he would also research and compile his literary works, and, with few exceptions, no one was allowed to visit him at this time. When it was time for lunch he would come out and sit with his guests, who were from all walks of life; he would respect and treat them well, irrespective of who they were. After Zuhr prayer, he would take a siesta and then spent some time listening to his correspondence (which amounted to around forty or fifty letters daily from different places) and dictating replies. He also taught for two hour before ‘Asr. After ‘Asr, he would sit with a large group of people, offering them tea. After performing Maghrib, he would remain devoted in solitude to optional prayer and to supplication. He did not take an evening meal except to entertain an important guest.
Shaykh Abu ‘l-Hasan ‘Ali Nadwi says about his characteristics, “He was extremely vibrant, never lazy; light-hearted, smiling, cheerful, friendly; and he often jested with his close friends and acquaintances. We saw in him good character and forbearance with people, as well as a rare humilty; and above all, his personal qualities were always governed by his deep faith and sense of contentment.”
He had always hoped to meet Allah while in the city of the Messenger (SallAllahu alahi wasallam); Allah granted his wish. He died there on Monday Sha’ban 1, 1402 AH (May 24, 1982 CE) and was buried in Jannat al-Baqi’, in the company of the Companions and the noble family members of the Messenger (SallAllahu alahi wasallam). His funeral procesion was followed by a large number of people and he was buried in the Baqi’ graveyard next to his teacher Shaykh Khalil Ahmad Saharanpuri. May Allah forgive him, grant mercy, and elevate his status. Amin.
Scholars’ Praise of Him
Many scholars, both Arab and non-Arab, have praised him and recognized his knowlege and excellence. ‘Allama Muhammad Yusuf Binnori relates,
Indeed there are some remnants of the scholars of past generations living today among the scholars of todays generation. They have been guided to praiseworthy efforts in multiple religious sciences, such as jurisprudence; they are on par with the previous generations in their knowlege, excellence, fear of Allah, and piety; they stir up memories of the blessed golden age of scholarship. Among these scholars is a unique figure envied for his excellence in knowlege and action, the author of outstanding, beneficial works and of beautiful, superb commentaries: Shaykh Muhammad Zakariyya Kandhlawi Saharanpuri.
Shaykh Sa’id Ahmad, the head of Islamic studies at the University of Aligarh, UP, relates,
It is evident to one who take a look at his works that he had a brilliancy, both in knowlege and with the pen, like that of Ibn al-Jawzi and Imam Ghazali. Of the scholars of his era I know of no one comparable to him in this regard, except Imam ‘Abd al-Hayy al-Farangi Mahalli (of Lucknow).
Shaykh Abu ‘l-Hasan ‘Ali Nadwi relates that Shaykh ‘Alawi al-Maliki said,
When he reports the ruling and evidences of the Maliki school [in his writings], we Malikis are astonished at the accuracy and integrity of the report…. If the author had not mentioned in the introduction of [his] book that he was a Hanafi, I would not have known that he was Hanafi, but would have definately concluded that he was a Maliki, since in his Awjaz he cites by-laws and derivatives of the Maliki school from there books that even we have a hard time obtaining.
Shaykh Zakariyya had numerous students who spread around the world and continue, to this day, to serve Islam, particularly establishing traditional Islamic schools in India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, England, Canada, America, South Africa, Zambia, Zimbabwe, and other countries. Some of his more prominent students in the field of hadith were Muhaddith Muhammad Yusuf Kandhlawi (d. 1384 AH), author of Amani ‘l-Ahbar Sharh Ma’ani ‘l-Athar, Shaykh ‘Abd al-Jabbar A’zami, author of Imdad al-Bari (Urdu commentary on Sahih al-Bukhari), and Mufti Mahmud Hasan Gangohi (d. 1417 AH). Many other scholars and students also acquired authorizations in hadith from him, including Dr. Mustafa’ al-Siba’i, Shaykh ‘Abd al-Fattah Abu Ghudda, Dr. Muhammad ‘Alawi al-Maliki and Shaykh Muhammad Taha al-Barakati.
Written Works
Shaykh Zakariyya wrote many works both in Arabic and Urdu. A number of them treat specialized subjects intented for scholars, and the rest have been written for the general public. His works demonstrate his deep knowlege and intelligence; his ability to undertand the issue at hand, research it thoroughly, and present a complete, clear and comprehensive discussion; his moderation, humility, patience, and attention to detail. His respect and awe for the pious predecessors are evident in his works, even when he disagrees with their opinions on any particular aspect.
His first written work was a three volume commentary of the Alfiyya ibn Malik (on arabic grammar), which he wrote as a student when he was only thirteen. His written works amount to over one hundred. He did not withhold any rights to his works and made it publicly known that he only published his works for the sake of Allah’s pleasure. Whoever wished to publish them was permitted to, on the condition that they were left unaltered and their accuracy maintained.
Hence, his books have gained overwhelming acceptance througout the world, so much so that his work Fada’il al-Qur’an [Virtues of the Qur’an] has been translated into eleven languages, Fada’il Ramadan [Virtues of Ramadan] into twelve languages, and Fada’il al-Salat [Virtues of Prayer] into fifteen languages. He wrote four books on Qur’an commentary [tafsir] and proper recitation [tajwid], forty-four books on hadith and its related sciences, six books on jurisprudence [fiqh] and its related sciences, twenty-four historical and biographical books, four books on Islam creed [aqida], twelve books on abstinence [zuhd] and heart-softening accounts [riqaq], three books in Arabic grammar and logic, and six books on modern-day groups and movements.
Some of His Hadith Works
One can find a complete list and description of his books in the various biographies written on him. Here is a brief description of a few of his more popular works on hadith:
Awjaz al-Masalik ila Muwatta’ Imam Malik: One of the most comprehensive commentaries on the Muwatta of Imam Malik in terms of the science of hadith, jurisprudence, and hadith explication. Shaykh Zakariyya provides the summaries of many other commentaries in a clear, intellectual, and scholarly way, dealing with the various opinons on each issue, mentioning the differences of opinions among the various scholars, and comparing their evidences. This commentary, written in Arabic, has won great acclaim from a number of Maliki scholars.
Lami’ al-Dirari ‘ala Jami’ al-Bukhari: Written in Arabic, a collection of the unique remarks and observations on Sahih al-Bukhari presented by Shaykh Rashid Ahmad Gangohi. These life-long acquired wisdoms were recorded by his student Shaykh Yahya Kandhlawi (Shaykh Zakariyya’s father) during their lessons. Shaykh Zakariyya edited, arranged, and commented on his fathers compilation, clarifying the text and adding a comprehensive introduction at the beginning.
Al-Abwab wa ‘l-Tarajim li ‘l-Bukhari: An explanation of the chapter headings of Imam Bukhari’s Sahih al-Bukhari. Assigning chapter headings in a hadith collection is a science in itself, known among the scholars as al-abwab wa ‘l-tarajim [chapters and explanations]. In it, the compiler explains the reasons for the chapter heading and the connections between the chapter headings and the hadiths quoted therein. It is well known that the commentators of Sahih al-Bukhari have paid special attention to the titles therein, in tune with the Arabic saying: “The fiqh of Bukhari is in his chapter headings” [fiqh al-Bukhari fi tarajimihi]. Shaykh Zakariyya not only quotes and compiles what has been mentioned by other scholars like Shah Wali Allah al-Dehlawi and Ibn Hajar al-’Asqalani, but also correlates and clarifies these opinions and presents findings from his own research in many instances.
Juz’ Hajjat al-Wida’ wa ‘Umrat al-Nabi (SallAllahu alahi wasallam): A comprehensive Arabic commentary on the detailed accounts of the pilgrimage [hajj] of Allah’s Messenger (SallAllahu alahi wasallam). It includes the details of any juridical discussions on the various aspects of pilgrimage, giving the locations, modern-day names, and other details of the places the Messenger of Allah (SallAllahu alahi wasallam) passed by or stayed at.
Khasa’il Nabawi Sharh Shama’il al-Tirmidhi: Composed in urdu, a commentary on Imam Tirmidhi’s renowned work al-Shama’il al-Muhammadiyya, a collection of hadiths detailing the characteristics of the Messenger (SallAllahu alahi wasallam). This commentary explains the various aspects related to the different characteristics and practices of Allah’s Messenger (SallAllahu alahi wasallam). It has been translated into English and is widely available.
Excerpted from "The Differences of the Imams" by Shaykh al-Hadith Muhammad Zakariyya Kandhlawi.

Friday, January 28, 2011

10 Ways to Instantly Build Self Confidence

Build Self Confidence

1. Dress Sharp
Although clothes don’t make the man, they certainly affect the way he feels about himself. No one is more conscious of your physical appearance than you are. When you don’t look good, it changes the way you carry yourself and interact with other people. Use this to your advantage by taking care of your personal appearance. In most cases, significant improvements can be made by bathing and shaving frequently, wearing clean clothes, and being cognizant of the latest styles.
This doesn’t mean you need to spend a lot on clothes. One great rule to follow is “spend twice as much, buy half as much”. Rather than buying a bunch of cheap clothes, buy half as many select, high quality items. In long run this decreases spending because expensive clothes wear out less easily and stay in style longer than cheap clothes. Buying less also helps reduce the clutter in your closet.
2. Walk Faster
One of the easiest ways to tell how a person feels about herself is to examine her walk. Is it slow? tired? painful? Or is it energetic and purposeful? People with confidence walk quickly. They have places to go, people to see, and important work to do. Even if you aren’t in a hurry, you can increase your self confidence by putting some pep in your step. Walking 25% faster will make to you look and feel more important.

3. Good Posture
Similarly, the way a person carries herself tells a story. People with slumped shoulders and lethargic movements display a lack of self confidence. They aren’t enthusiastic about what they’re doing and they don’t consider themselves important. By practicing good posture, you’ll automatically feel more confident. Stand up straight, keep your head up, and make eye contact. You’ll make a positive impression on others and instantly feel more alert and empowered.
4. Personal Commercial
One of the best ways to build confidence is listening to a motivational speech. Unfortunately, opportunities to listen to a great speaker are few and far between. You can fill this need by creating a personal commercial. Write a 30-60 second speech that highlights your strengths and goals. Then recite it in front of the mirror aloud (or inside your head if you prefer) whenever you need a confidence boost.
5. Gratitude
When you focus too much on what you want, the mind creates reasons why you can’t have it. This leads you to dwell on your weaknesses. The best way to avoid this is consciously focusing on gratitude. Set aside time each day to mentally list everything you have to be grateful for. Recall your past successes, unique skills, loving relationships, and positive momentum. You’ll be amazed how much you have going for you and motivated to take that next step towards success.
6. Compliment other people
When we think negatively about ourselves, we often project that feeling on to others in the form of insults and gossip. To break this cycle of negativity, get in the habit of praising other people. Refuse to engage in backstabbing gossip and make an effort to compliment those around you. In the process, you’ll become well liked and build self confidence. By looking for the best in others, you indirectly bring out the best in yourself.
7. Sit in the front row
In schools, offices, and public assemblies around the world, people constantly strive to sit at the back of the room. Most people prefer the back because they’re afraid of being noticed. This reflects a lack of self confidence. By deciding to sit in the front row, you can get over this irrational fear and build your self confidence. You’ll also be more visible to the important people talking from the front of the room.

8. Speak up
During group discussions many people never speak up because they’re afraid that people will judge them for saying something stupid. This fear isn’t really justified. Generally, people are much more accepting than we imagine. In fact most people are dealing with the exact same fears. By making an effort to speak up at least once in every group discussion, you’ll become a better public speaker, more confident in your own thoughts, and recognized as a leader by your peers.
9. Work out
Along the same lines as personal appearance, physical fitness has a huge effect on self confidence. If you’re out of shape, you’ll feel insecure, unattractive, and less energetic. By working out, you improve your physcial appearance, energize yourself, and accomplish something positive. Having the discipline to work out not only makes you feel better, it creates positive momentum that you can build on the rest of the day.
10. Focus on contribution
Too often we get caught up in our own desires. We focus too much on ourselves and not enough on the needs of other people. If you stop thinking about yourself and concentrate on the contribution you’re making to the rest of the world, you won’t worry as much about you own flaws. This will increase self confidence and allow you to contribute with maximum efficiency. The more you contribute to the world the more you’ll be rewarded with personal success and recognition.

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